MedDev Experts

Necessity of Free Sale Certificate for Import and Export of Medical Devices in India

Free Sale Certificate is an indispensable requirement for importing and exporting medical devices. The Free Sale Certificate of Medical Device is issued by the State Licensing Authority for Class A and B Devices. The Central Licensing Authority (CDSCO) issues the Certificate for Class C and D Devices.

MedDev Experts specializes in assisting medical device manufacturers in obtaining the Necessary Regulatory Approvals and Certificates for Medical Devices.

Who is Eligible to Apply for Free Sale Certificate

The actual manufacturer of medical devices, having a valid medical device manufacturing license can apply for the Certificate.

How to Submit an Application?

  1. Login to the Sugam Portal of CDSCO.
  2. Go to Submit Application Section.
  3. Fill the Free Sale Certificate Application. 
  4. Select the Devices for which you need the Free Sale Certificate.
  5. Upload the Mandatory Documents including Affidavit.
  6. Pay the Fee of Rs. 100/- per Device 
  7. Submit the Application.


Shivalik Nagar, Baddi, HP, India

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