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Mandatory Import License for Cosmetics in India by CDSCO

To import any cosmetic products into India, importers must obtain a cosmetic import license from the Central Drugs Standard Control Organization (CDSCO). The license is issued after the importer has submitted the necessary documentation and met specific criteria, including product registration and adherence to labeling requirements.

Cosmetic Import Regulations in India

Cosmetics products in India are regulated under the Cosmetics Rules, 2020. Central Licensing Authority (CDSCO) is the competent authority for enforcement of Cosmetics Rules, 2020 relating to import of all categories of cosmetics. Cosmetics must be registered with CDSCO before import into India. Cosmetic import registration in India can be applied online through Form COS-1 by the manufacturer, agent, importer, or subsidiary.

Grant of Import License for Cosmetics

CDSCO may grant or reject the cosmetic import license within 6 months of application, based on document review in Form COS-2. In the event of rejection, the applicant may appeal to the Central Government within a period of forty-five days.

Validity of Cosmetic Import License:

The Import License for Cosmetics shall remain valid in perpetuity, subject to 5 years retention fee payment unless suspended or cancelled.

Need a CDSCO Cosmetic Import License for India? Contact MedDev Experts Now!

We can help you navigate the complex regulatory process and get your license approved quickly and easily.

What is the cost of cosmetic import license in India?

  • $1000 per category
  • $50 per distinctive cosmetic
  • $500 per manufacturing site.

Who can import cosmetics into India?

  • The actual manufacturer if they have a registered office in India.
  • The agent authorized by the actual manufacturer
  • Any subsidiary of the actual manufacturer
  • Any other importer

Form COS-1 vs. Form COS-2: What's the difference?

Form COS-1 is an application for the grant of a Registration Certificate for the Import of cosmetics into India. Form COS-2 is an Import Registration Certificate issued by CDSCO for import of cosmetics into India under the Cosmetics Rules, 2020.

Documents required to import cosmetics in India (2023)

The following documents are required to get the cosmetic import license to import cosmetics into India:

  • Authorization from the manufacturer
  • Identity proof of the manufacturer
  • Names of cosmetics, brands, categories, pack sizes, and variants
  • Manufacturing licenses or registrations of the manufacturer
  • Product permissions or marketing authorizations
  • Free sale certificates
  • List of countries where marketing authorization or import permission has been granted
  • Composition of the cosmetics
  • Specifications and testing methods of the cosmetic
  • Cosmetic labels
  • Package inserts (if applicable)
  • Receipts for fees paid

How to get an import license for cosmetics in India from CDSCO?

The following documents are required to get the cosmetic import license to import cosmetics into India:

  • Step 1: Enroll your organization on CDSCO’s SUGAM Portal.
  • Step 2: Fill in the respective applications and submit them through CDSCO’s online SUGAM Portal.
  • Step 3: Upload the necessary documents and make the required payment.
  • Step 4: Your application will be scrutinized by the CDSCO Team.
  • Step 5: Once all the conditions are met, CDSCO will grant the license.

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